0208 5193 977

Elsham Road, Leytonstone, London, E11 3JH



GOLD Rights Respecting Reaccreditation

Dear Deborah and Nursel,

Thank you so much for hosting my visit to your school in October.

I am very pleased to confirm that the Accreditation and Standards Committee agree that sufficient evidence was provided in the report to reaccredit The Jenny Hammond School as a UNICEF UK Gold: Rights Respecting School. 

Helen Trivers

Senior Professional Adviser, Rights Respecting Schools Award (RRSA)


The Soccer Aid for UNICEF

We have signed up to the Soccer Aid for UNICEF Academy.Our goal is to take part in ensuring children around the world have happy, healthy and play-filled childhoods.

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The Jenny Hammond is taking part in OutRight 2021/22 campaign

We know and live by our own rights, and we are here to speak out in support of the rights of all children.

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Gold: Rights Respecting  School Award

Dear Nursel,

Thank you very much for hosting our visit last month.

I am delighted to confirm that the Accreditation and Standards Committee agree that sufficient evidence was provided in the report to award The Jenny Hammond Primary School with UNICEF UK’s Rights Respecting School Award at Gold: Rights Respecting. 

Please pass on our congratulations to your pupils, colleagues and parents for their contribution and commitment to RRSA.  I have attached your assessment report providing detailed feedback from our visit and recommendations for the school.

We will also add your school to the list of schools on our website that have achieved Gold.

Best wishes,


Helen Trivers

RRSA Professional Adviser – East London and the South East

UNICEF Fundraising - 2.6 Challenge

All roads at The Jenny Hammond Primary School lead to United Nation Convention on the Rights of the Child.

At Jenny Hammond Primary School, we are committed to the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC).  Click this link to see a summary of the UNCRC

We began our journey in 2010; we were the first primary school in Waltham Forest to be awarded Level 1 of the Rights Respecting School Award in December 2011.

We learn about rights, through rights and for rights.  Our aim is to 'create brilliant citizens'. 

What is the RRSA?

The letters RRSA represent 'Rights Respecting School Award'. The award is given by UNICEF to a school for recognising the 'rights' of a child. 

There are 3 awards, they are:

Bronze - Being Rights Committed.

Silver - Being Rights Aware.

Gold - Being Rights Respecting.

The Jenny Hammond Primary school was awarded the Bronze Award in 2011 and have Being Rights Committed since then. We were assessed for the Silver Award in April 2019 and proudly achieved Being Rights Aware. 

The Global Goals are linked to the rights of the child at The Jenny Hammond Primary School.

Year 5 study topic : Goal 14. Life Below Water

Children learning how littering, overfishing and emissions can affect seas, lakes, rivers and everything that lives there through their topic 'wild waters'.


Year 4 study: Goal 15. Life on Land

Year 4 children  learning to protect forest and land, mountains, animals and plants, and why no-one should waste nature’s resources through studying 'The world's Kitchen and One Planet .

Goal 4. Quality Education

Our school leader’s aim is to provide all children a good education at Jenny Hammond education and opportunities to learn to read and write.

Goal 5. Gender Equality

Girls and boys in our school have equal rights and opportunities in all respects. 

Goal 6. Clean Water and Sanitation

Children have clean water, clean hygienic toilets at school .

Goal 13. Climate Action

Children should learn how to combat climate change, and be able to demand that adults, e.g. decision-makers, do the same.

Right of the Week Plan 2020-2021


At The Jenny Hammond Primary School, we learn about the UNICEF Rights through studying each article fortnightly. Our aim is to teach children their rights throughout the year linking it with special celebrations, lessons and important days.

How can you help?

We welcome support from parents/ carers and the community to help us develop RRSA at The Jenny Hammond Primary School.

Questions for discussion at home:

  • What are the rights of a child in the UNCRC?
  • How many articles do you know?
  • Do children in different countries have the same rights as you?
  • Should all schools be rights respecting schools?
  • How do you respect your rights and the rights of others at school and at home?
  • What could we do to help children whose rights are not respected?
  •  Should all children know about their rights? Why?