0208 5193 977

Elsham Road, Leytonstone, London, E11 3JH


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Acorn Class is all ready for some super learners!

Please sign up for Acorn Class Monster Phonics ebooks by clicking on the link below:   https://ebooks.monsterphonics.com/register/standard-school/?ca=a2a5538ce0e4ef9aad5586614666f929

Weekly PE Lesson 2024-25

PE is on Mondaqy afternoon. Please ensure your child comes to school dressed in their PE kit. 

PE kit is a: white t-shirt, navy shorts and/or
navy jogging bottoms and black pumps.


Headteacher Newsletter

Reception Newsletter Spring 2 

Monster phonics actions and phonemes

Reception High Frequency and Common Exception Words

Phonics Workshop for parents: Handouts

 cover page.docxDownload
 Monster Phonics reading books l.pdfDownload
 Monster Phonics sound mat.pdfDownload
 Phonics Phase One - Activity ideas.docDownload
 Phonics vocabulary - Copy.docxDownload
 year-2-sound-mat (1).pdfDownload
Showing 1-8 of 8

Phonics Resources


Reading Resources